Ride. Run. Roll. to Defeat ALS
Indian Rocks Beach, FL

Register now for the Ride to Defeat ALS & 5K Event on November 5th: Ride, Run, or choose a CHALLENGE Event!!  The Ride. Run. Roll. To Defeat ALS is a destination endurance event to #ChallengeALS and offers something for everyone!  We will have the Metric Century (approx. 62 miles), a 25 mile route and a 1 mile Family Fun Ride. Routes include sections of the Pinellas Trail, Fort De Soto and coastal roads. And if you're a runner, sign up for our 5K!

And don't forget the additional #ChallengeALS events this year: 

28 Mile Challenge: 5K Run/Walk & 25 Mile Ride

65 Mile Challenge: 5K Run/Walk & 62 Mile Ride

Every participant can count on support from start to finish with crewed rest stops, SAG vehicles, and the safety team. Upon completing the tour, riders and runners are welcomed back by cheering crowds and finish line festivities that include entertainment, complimentary massages, a healthy lunch, and The Taste of Indian Rocks Beach.

Come on out and RIDE, RUN or ROLL To Defeat ALS! Register TODAY -  Check it out!

Date: Saturday, November 5, 2016
Time: 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Holiday Inn Harbourside
401 2nd Street
Indian Rocks Beach, FL 33785

This event does not require an RSVP.